Fairy Tale Engineers

On Friday, Mary Hill (second grade teacher at Forest Hill) invited Amanda Haughs and I to take part in a STEAMy engineering project! As a part of their ELA fairy tale unit, the second graders were presented with a challenge to build a parachute to help Jack safely get down the beanstalk.
Mary had her students use the engineering design process to brainstorm and draw a labeled diagram of their ideas. She gave each partner group a Lego "Jack" and a choice of different types of paper and string. We were particularly impressed with the quality of their labeled diagrams!
Students were then extremely excited to test their parachute prototypes from the playground! Each group collected data from two tests, recording of their parachute worked out didn't work each time.
After testing, students shared their results and what they learned with the class. It was really inspiring to hear the second graders talk about how much they love engineering and building! Thank you, Mary for letting us join your class on this adventure!


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