Ancient China STEAM Projects

The 6th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies teachers at Monroe Middle School have proved that STEAM integrates well into all subjects! Nicole Lavia, Katie Herr, Andreas Zappacosta, and Jason Van Aken, planned a relevant and rigorous way for their students to extend their learning about Ancient China. All of the sixth grade students selected the STEAM discipline that they were most interested in focusing on. They then did additional research on an ancient China topic of their choice through the lens of Science, Engineering, Art, or Technology.

The teachers were each experts in one of those disciplines and the students switched classes to be with that teacher for the three weeks of the STEAM projects. Some of the projects that students researched and completed were: Chinese medicine, hot air balloons, catapults, The Great Wall, calligraphy, shadow puppets, philosophers, and dynasties. On the final week, all of the students got to present their projects and the other students rotated as audience members. Awesome job, sixth grade teachers and students!


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